Photo: Jason Lumbard
Mitch is known for chasing big distance flights through some of the most remote terrain in the U.S. and has completed Vol-Biv hike and fly adventures all around the globe including Alaska, The Himalayas, The Rockies and the Alps. While devoting most of his efforts to adventure flying he has had impressive results in XC racing, earning himself the title of 2015 US Paragliding National Champion and 2013 US Paragliding Sport Class National Champion. Mitch has many notable results in race to goal competitions all over the world (see results page). Mitch competed in the X-Alps in 2017, and the Dolomiti Superfly in 2018, and hopes to compete in more multi-day hike and fly races in the future. The thing that sets Mitch apart is an ability to see the paragliding playing field through a different lens than the rest of us, one that always sees possibilities. When the most challenging and risky situations arise Mitch has an uncanny way of smiling, enjoying and pushing forward.
Mitch worked as a river guide and ski addict for 10 years before committing himself fully to flying paragliders. During his experience rafting and kayaking life threatening rivers, backcountry skiing on the riskiest snowpack on earth, and flying the biggest roughest mountain ranges Mitch has developed a fascination and deep respect for risk management keeping a clear head while nature demands focus. Mitch earns his living as a Paragliding instructor, coach and guide. The time he devotes to his students and clients teaches Mitch invaluable lessons about learning phycology and mental control. Working with students while they push their boundaries, and attain levels of skill and performance that they formerly thought were impossible is rewarding, challenging, and intensely interesting. Mitch demonstrates his passion for sharing the sport with his infectious enthusiasm and motivation.
Training mental and physical fitness takes up the vast majority of Mitch's time. You may find him hauling water bags up mountains, running roads and trails, hike and flying remote peaks, pumping iron in the gym, flying big Rocky Mountains, or meditating peacefully next to a river. Mitch has devoted himself fully to his craft, and his craft is moving himself and his flying gear through challenging terrain.
Background Photo: Jason Lumbard